The Partnership of Learning: Fit4Earth Workshops

Two weeks ago, UGACR hosted 84 seventh graders from San Jose, the Costa Rican capital, on campus. The middle schoolers attended four days of workshops on sustainability, agriculture, carbon sequestration, and entomology, all taught by our staff, while also enjoying the awesome wildlife on campus. These students were extraordinary- each was trilingual, speaking German, English and Spanish. They also did several hours of community service at the local San Luis school. Read More »

Why We Moth

For years at UGACR, there has been an ongoing project tracking moth species native to San Luis as part of ongoing entomology research conducted by UGA ecology professor Dr. John Pickering. Mothing stations that consist of a painted white wooden board and bright light are set up in both an open area and under the forest canopy on campus, and research interns photograph and record each moth found on the trap around 2 a.m. every night. They identify the moths and upload their photographs to Discover Life, which then provides the images and identification to anyone, free of charge. Researchers, students, and enthusiasts around the world can access the Discover Life database to conduct their own studies.

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Friday Feature: Bird Researcher, PhD Student Cody Cox

cody_toucanetCody Cox is a PhD student in Integrative Conservation and Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia who is conducting his research at UGA Costa Rica. Cody’s research focuses on ornithology and spatial approaches to wildlife conservation.

As part of his PhD research, Cody is examining how landscape structure, specifically the arrangement of forested and agricultural areas, affects the movement patterns of several bird species in the region around UGA Costa Rica’s campus. This kind of data is critical for developing effective conservation plans for these species.

We were able to join Cody as he took a group of students from the National Geographic Student Expedition program through part of his daily process from retrieving birds from the nets to data entry.

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